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Showreel 2022

Throughout the past few years of being in the industry, I have worked on a number of personal and commercial projects, focusing on producing and assisting also delving into scriptwriting and directing. Lots of my work revolves around breaking boundaries to tell stories that are often afraid to be told. 


If you require further details of a project or are keen to know the details of crew members, please get in contact!

Birthday Cake (2022)

After a lifetime of her family’s constant criticism of her appearance and eating habits, Elsie must make the decision between spending her 21st birthday stewing in her own intrusive thoughts, or finally standing up to her insensitive family. 

Directed by Imogen Maguire and Ellie Price


As a Producer on the project, I took the privilege of scheduling all three stages, location scouting, casting and most importantly raising a large Kickstarter budget and promoting the short film through intricate social media planning. This current project opened my path into marketing. 


See the Kickstarter here! Follow our social media @birthdaycakefilm for updates!

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Let's Talk Clit! (2022)

A documentary which focuses on female individuals and their own experiences with self-pleasure. Following the bold filmmaker Krissy Finn as she learns just exactly what her body can do.

Directed by Krissy Finn


Producing Let's Talk Clit! was a wonderfully exciting adventure and engaged me in a brand new avenue of film, whilst doing the basics of a Producer, I gained experience in battling taboos and getting creatively involved within the art department. This personal project is currently on festival runs! Follow my social media to stay updated on its success!


MENstruation (2021)

'Well, what did your dad do when your period came?'

An awkward yet heartwarming story of a young girl experiencing the first drops of puberty, as her dad struggles to accept the change, at the passing of their mum.

Directed by Erin West


Based on personal experiences, I chose to write and direct MENstruation as a 'letter' to my father to shine a positive and comedic light on a situation that remained unspoken about during my childhood. This project taught me how to lead a crew creatively and develop my screenwriting skills and working closely with my producer allowed me to further my understanding of narrative producing.

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Trust Not Valid (2021)

A short narrative that puts your trust in someone to the test when Abby finds herself being wrongly convicted of a crime after allowing her boyfriend to borrow her car and finding out who Lucas really is.

Directed by Despina Symeonidou


I was invited to be the First Assistant Director on this project, flourishing in a new pathway, this role improved my understanding of scheduling effectively, controlling a production crew as well as securing my skills in time management.

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Ubiquity (2021)

A short documentary focusing on the stories of survivors of cancer discussing the positive side and the loved ones of those who lost their battles.

Directed by Theo Ritter


This documentary is of huge importance within my development of film and my personal growth, after losing my mother to cancer in 2010, I wanted to create a poetic piece to honour her and allow others to come to terms with the positive side of battles without disrespecting the idea of loss.


I produced this project as a choice to grow within the documentary, it was insightful with talking to handfuls of cancer survivors and contacting charities to hear and appreciate cancer journies. Whilst learning to effectively schedule numerous shoots, initiate interviews and look after personal stories.

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Commercial Work

Ovarian Cancer Action 30" Advert (2022)

Producing a commercial project for a given brief by the charity Ovarian Cancer Action was an exciting opportunity and gave me the chance to work with a 16mm Kodak film. It was eye-opening to work to brief guidelines yet have creative freedom and grow professionally.


The advert created was a piece dedicated to the love and support from those around you as someone who is suffering from or beat ovarian cancer. The advert has been submitted to the Nahemi Kodak Competition in June 2022, follow my social media for project updates! 

Directed by Ellie Price

Sunshine Girl Music Video (2020*)

Music Video was created for an upcoming student band Noah and the Midnight Goblins, for their track 'Sunshine Girl' which is in the process of being released.


In this project I grasped various roles as it was shot in lockdown and shows a group of friends during the summer, I filmed and edited this which allowed me to have a basic understanding of these roles. Teaching myself software such as Adobe After Effects and DaVinci Resolve. 

Pennant International Content (2020)

Producing some educational and promotional content for the leading technology corporate company. This was an exciting project that allowed me to stick to a brief with strict guidelines yet provided me with a comfortable level of creativity, whilst developing external professional relationships and maintaining them for further projects.

University Open Day Talks: Video Game Design (2020)

Although this project was within the university I studied at, I was treated like an external client which helped me grasp the concept of working to guidelines with the creative freedom, which I took forward in further projects and commercial work. This was an exciting project to take on as I ran multiple roles like lighting and editing alongside producing, which allowed me to maintain an understanding of roles I hadn't taken on before.

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